The New Bunga Hockey Box product is released. This new product comes wtih two Lace Bite Pads – either small or large and Aluminum Style Case. Available in 1/1/2010. In the meantime see our Hockey Box Promo for the holiday. Purchase 2 lace bite pads of any size and get the Bunga Box at 50% off. Fantastic.
Absolute Athletics introduces its new line of Individual Icing Therapy (I.C.T.) pronounced “iced”. The first product introduced is the new I.C.T. Knee which is a comfortable wrap designed to hold ice bags in place around the leg and knee. Look for more I.C.T. products in the near future. Call us for details.
The New Aluminum Style Bunga Box is used to carry you Bunga Pads. It keeps them clean and safe. Code: BBOX